You don't have to be a hard-core Trekkie to enjoy this game, but it helps.

User Rating: 7.7 | Star Trek: Encounters PS2
I'll start with the graphics. They're pretty. Nothing spectacular, but I've seen worse by far. That about sums that up.

The audio isn't anything to write home about, but it doesn't really matter. Most of what you hear is weapons fire and explosions. There's only so many sounds available for that.

The soundtrack is boring. Might as well be the same track for every level. I pretty much zoned it out.

The controls are exceedingly easy. A five-year-old would have no difficulty playing this game. But sometimes, that's a good thing.

The level design isn't too spectacular. And some of them just shouldn't have been done, period. Who wants to be chasing after warp conduits and warp trails? Or dragging stolen evidence (that will 9 times out of 10 get destroyed before you reach your goal) through asteroid fields? But hijacking Klingon ships and blowing the hell out of your enemies is always fun.

Over all, it's a mediocre game. But it's obviously just a quick bone tossed to the fans before Legacy (probably, I think, because they knew that Legacy was going to receive delays). But hey, a small bone is better than no bone.