This is more like the Command and Conquer engine. 2D topographical of your ship flying around completing missions.

User Rating: 7 | Star Trek: Encounters PS2
For the most part, this is a common graphical engine seen in Command and Conquer 1 and 2 and Red Alert. Your given a 2D spotdown in which your flying a single ship against a handful of missions. The graphics are not what you would have expected out of the ST: Legacy game coming out in November 21st, thank you for the late update after ordering the package Bethsoft.

If you have played Command and Conquer, you would see the same graphical interface. A single marine fighting an impossible battle against an army of enemies. There is no real difference other than if this game was on PC, it would have better controls than to swing your radar stick around hitting R2 hoping to lock on more than one bad guy and fire your phasers in time before they make your ship glow in the dark than blow off chunks of your hull.

1-10 rating, I give this game a 7 for an excellent play.