You get what you pay for.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Trek: Encounters PS2
I would have been a little miffed if this had been a full priced game, but it is a bargain for $15. The interface is a little difficult to get used to but extremely effective. Overall this game is really just about blowing things up with plot thrown in for atmosphere, but there's nothing wrong with that. The only annoying parts are missions where you have to follow a warp signature and if you see something interesting off the path and don';t get back before the trail fades you can die even if you know where the trail was. The skirmish parts are just plain fun although the starfleet ships are vastly superior to everything else which is only annoying in the case of the xindi who were supposed to have had better tech in general what with the whole evil allies from the future plot line and all that from enterprise.