Good game. Not what I expected, but good.

User Rating: 8.6 | Star Trek: Encounters PS2
This is a game that is similar to an old Mac game called Starship Reliant. In that game and this you have a top down view of your ship and fight the bad guys.

Gameplay is fine takes a bit to get used to. The lock on and energy alocation systems both need to be re-thought. Can't repair ship in mission. No Enginerring.

Graphics are good for PS2. Not choppy.

Sound is great too. Phasers and torps flying around. The narrator guy sounds alot like Shatner. It might be.... I don't like that you can't turn down the music without turning down the main volume. They are linked.

Value is good. You only get to have one ship at a time though. Needs to have more missions but multiplayer is good. If you have all the ships and cards. This will curb my Star Trek cravings until Legacy comes out. A yes and for $15 at gamecrazy you just can't beat that!
