Star Fox Adventure, may have a few set-backs but it's a good game.

User Rating: 5 | Star Fox Adventures GC
Star Fox Adventure was a new foray into the Starfox franchise. Going off of its on rails gameplay and into an open world adventure.

While there are still on rails flying sequences, which are more so for going to different parts of the dinosaur planet, most of the game takes place on the field, with Fox and his magical staff. It kind of feels like a Starfox Zelda hybrid.

The games plot is hard to put in without spoilers, but Krystal is a new character who is apparently sealed and your primary objective is to get to her and free here, and all the dinosuars on the planet speak a made up language until you get the translator of course.

The game has the typical shop to buy items, and some very interesting dungeons, whic the sole purpose is to power up your staff to unlock new areas and eventually get to Krystal, and the defeat the ultimate evil that threatens dinosaur planet. The gameplay is a bit slower paces, but it isn't until you are required to have that baby dinosaur follow you around and such that the game actually starts showing real draw backs.

You will need him for many things to progress through the games such as digging up things and other examples avoiding plot related spoilers. Also feeding him is a must. Most fans seems to think the game begins to decline around there as well.

After awhile past that point you star back tracking and getting vague clues, and things start to get a bit too repetitive.

The controls are a bit stiff, and the camera is not the best in how it works, so the game isn't really the most reliable, especially in combat, or climbing. The staffs hit detection could use some work to.

Nothing in the music or soundeffect areas really got my attention. The graphics are good looking, though in some areas in consistent, and the world is big and colorful. Not too much slowdown is noticed and that's a good thing. But there are tons of fields of nothing in the game, and as I said above, the game starts getting repetitive in many areas.

Over all though the game is solid. Not something great but it is an experience.