An once awesome game appears to be "rather decent at best" nowadays.

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Fox 64 3D 3DS
NOTE: This review is written by somebody who never played the original Star Fox 64 game, which might have effected the score.

Star Fox 64 3D is, as the name says, a remake of the beloved Star Fox game for the Nintendo 64. It stays very close to the original, while adding updated graphics and the 3D effect. However, the end result is rather weak.

Star Fox 64 3D's story is pretty simple: Andross, a giant floating head with 2 hands is about to mount an invasion against the planet Corneria. Now it's about the Star Fox team, a team out of 4 heroes (Fox, Falco, Peppy and Slippy) and their star ships, to save the day and the entire planet. From there on you'll fight your way through the levels by flying through the various levels, blasting every obstacle and enemy away that comes in your way, and sometimes helping your teammates. Sometimes, you'll also come over a tank like level where you have to steer Fox in a tank through the levels, of course, blasting all enemies and obstacles away.

The story was back then kinda appealing, however, nowadays, it isn't. It's just the Star Fox team flying through the galaxy right to Andross home. The communication between the pilots during every level does add a bit to the story, making the Star Fox team really feel like a team trying to success together, but the voice acting isn't that great and the writing is for nowadays pretty poor. They also repeat their texts to often.
The pacing also feels weak at times. It seems a little odd that the Star Wolf team, a team out of 3 pilots that turned evil and once were the actual heroes, escape in a fight in one level and appear right away in the next level again, and get defeated in that level.

Luckily, the gameplay has aged much better than the presentation of the game. It's addictive and simple fun flying and blasting your way through the levels, and there is a nice variety between the obstacles and environments. Secret passages and objectives also unlock more secret levels. There is a total of 16 levels in the game. Though completing the main adventure only has you beating 7 levels. I was totally shocked when I noticed that I was in the final level the first time I played the game, since I never played the original. I was disappointed about the short length. Sure, the game is more about replaying the levels for better scores and finding secret passages to secret levels, but the main adventure could have taken a few more levels. Like Nintendo could have added a few new levels to the game. Because seriously, 16 levels aren't that much for today's standard, and the replay value isn't that strong either, as the gameplay did lose a bit of it's appeal. As fun and addictive the game can be, it's not as appealing as it once was, and some might find the action to be a bit repetitive and even lackluster. Though there are those tank levels that do add a bit of variety to the game and are fun as well.

The game did see a noticeable, graphical update however, which does make the heart of Star Fox 64 fans bloom. There's nothing nicer than seeing an old classic shining with a total fresh look. The graphics do look good, they are sharper and more detailed, and textures also look much better. Though some environments do look a bit blocky, and there are some pop outs every so often. Also, the graphics are a little uneven, as some environments look great, and some more rare parts of the game look a little fake. But overall the graphics are good and one of the better aspects of the game. The music is also fine in the game, it didn't age as much as most of the other aspects of this game did.
Of course, the game is also in 3D playable, though disappointingly, the 3D effect is pretty weak, and doesn't add very much to the experience at all.

Star Fox 64 3D also has a battle mode where you can fight in one of multiple stages either against the AI or other friends, but only locally, which I think is a huge joke. Considering that the Nintendo 3DS had also been fixated a lot on it's online functions and street pass ability, it's pathetic that there is no online support in this game. It would have added to the game a bit of lasting appeal at the least. Since playing against the AI is boring and it's not to common that somebody of your friends has a 3DS with this game.

The game also has an arcade mode where you can play all the levels you've already unlocked again and again for better high scores. It does add a bit lasting appeal to the game, at least.

Star Fox 64 3D didn't get much effort, that's clear, and the end result is a more dated game. But, complaints besides, Star Fox 64 3D is still somewhat decent. For all it's downsides in it's presentation, story and value, the gameplay still proves to be fun nowadays. Star Fox 64 fans will have a good time playing their old, beloved game in full 3D with a new fresh look, and some new comers will also get some enjoyment out of the game. But, except if you love beating high scores or are familiar with the game, it won't hold your attention for long. You won't be able to get rid of the feeling that this remake could have been better, with more effort. The dated story and odd conservations between the pilots are already a bit of a bummer, and the gameplay, how addictive it can be, can feel a little lackluster and repetitive at times, which is bad, since the game is so replay focused. Maybe the biggest disappointment of the game however is the lack of online support. It's pretty much unacceptable. In the end Star Fox 64 3D is a fun game, but dated, since Nintendo didn't do much to make the game feel fresh again, and that's why the game will only really appeal to those who really liked the original Star Fox 64, cause the nostalgia is the only really strong aspect of the game.

+ very nostalgic
+ updated graphics look good
+ the gameplay is still fun and addictive nowadays
+ lots of replay value

- overall game feels pretty dated
- the 3D effect is pretty weak
- main adventure is too easy and short
- no online multiplayer support is a big shame

Review Score: 6.5/10