im hooked

User Rating: 8.9 | SSX PS2
I never was the best at action sports games and I figured I'd stink when I first played.Guess what, I did. I wasn't to pleased in the beginning,having to get used to the shoulder buttons for tricks,but after a few hours Iwas hooked. Actually using the shoulder buttons,I found, Made doing tricks a whole lot easier and more precise. Iwas always used to the thps control and it took me a little while to get used to it. The graphics were cool and the gameplay was awesome.

In any game the gameplay matters most and ea obvisouly knew that and focused on that the most and i congragulate them for such a great job. Even though i was kinda frustrated with how many people would pass you with one mistake but it ea worked around that by adding the select button to get back into the race. I also loved how easy it was to pull off huge tricks and combos.Even though you'd get big points it was always hard for me to get the gold medal in showoff mode. I loved the big cheat because you could play as anyone and still be able to earn everything yourself. The only thing lagging in the game was the jump button. It was placed in a perfect spot for tony hawk players but you couldn't turn or anything so i lost a lot of speed on the big jumps trying to line my character up. Overall the ganeplay was awesome and the jump button didn't bring it all down.
The graphics in this game were awesome. i mean you couldn't see the hair sway or anything that detailed but the textures were great. I especially liked how when someone would talk there mouth would move with them unlike the N64, in which the character would be talking but there mouth wouldn't be moving. Also there mouths were 3-d just like the rest of there body, like Moby's hair. Also the spray of the snow was extremely real and so was the path your board left behind and when tou fell the path would turn into a big clump. The only thing that didn't look real was the fans who were just a wall that moved and had some color but other than that the graphics were awsome.

Like everything else,the sound was awesome. I loved the toe tappin' music which i would sing to myself unconciuosly. The voiceovers ruled too. The voices sounded like actual people. The comentary was cool except it repeated itself,like Madden. When they fell down they'd get mad at them selves and would talk and when they won they'd get an ego. Also when you hit a gate you could hear it clang.