Who knew a generic Dungeon Crawler could be so much fun!?

User Rating: 9.5 | Spiral Knights PC
Spiral Knights is a wonderfully fun game by Sega that has recently become Free To Play on the Steam Network.

You start the game by making a cute looking toy like mechanical character called "A Spiral Knight" which from what I gather, is some cute little Black Spirit thing. By Equipping gear, you change your body parts, not just that piece of armor like most games do.

The Graphics are Adorably Pleasing, and remind me of "I Spy" books in that kind of clockwork, psuedo junk constructed people, and buildings. Enemies are all Cute and Fun, and many bright colors adorn this games levels.

The games controls take a bit of getting used to for new comers, but are very user friendly. You can move with the WASD keys, and aim with your mouse to decide where you shoot your cute little weapon or swing your sword.

The game is fun, addicting, and dare I mention it again... Cute. I have seen hardcore blood and guts shooting game fans fall prey to the fun nature of the characters and gameplay, and the game itself is family friendly. No Blood or Guts.

This is a MUST Play for any gamer.