a good spiderman game but when glitches and bugs get in the way its just not what you would expect in a spiderman game

User Rating: 5.5 | Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PS3
iev barely been a fan of spiderman but i sortev liked this game but the major let down in this game was the glitches and bugs and trust me there are alot,know the game starts out slow you just go around helping people and super heros,but the story doesnt begin intill the middle where the city is under a quartine from venum peaseing people and what not the story is that exciting as it seems but the combat is a sure in lightenment the characters and or the super heros are the same old same wolverine luke cage wolverine and so on but like i said before this game had a ton of bugs and glitches i mean i get done with a mission glitch i kill and enemie glitch,and also the graphics arent to bright neather even thought there on a next gen consult but little problems in this game levels with a big deaster,anyway i would highly recommended this game to be a rental then a buying game becuase is your a person who loves glitches everytime in a game then this game is for you