Eh, it's too short to buy.

User Rating: 7.2 | Spider-Man: The Movie GC
The Good:
-Some excellent looking environments, especially outdoors. And basically everything in the environment can be used to your advantage. Flower pots can be thrown, gas tanks can be blown up, you name it.
-Some good voice acting from several stars from the movie.
-Lots of training levels and several unlockables are available, such as new suits, unlimited web, and you can even play as Green Goblin eventually.
-Your trainer is quite an amusing guy to listen to.
-A good variety of combat, stealth, and powers can be found throughout the game.

The Bad:
-I beat the game in a few hours with no problem.
-It isn't that hard of a game, and when it is, the challenge seems kind of unfair.
-Some dialogue gets repeated in some battles.
-Combat system is all about memorizing buttons, which can get annoying in the long run.
-Characters don't look all that great.
-Exactly how do you swing from clouds? The swinging system makes no sense at all.
-The camera goes crazy sometimes.
-No way to dodge or defend yourself from attacks.
-Hardly follows the plot of the movie.

Is Spider-Man a bad game? Not at all. It's just hurt by some flaws with the camera, lack of challenge, and short length. Should you buy it? No, I'd say rent it for a week, if that. I prefer Spider-Man 2 much more, but this is still a good game for Spidey fans.