Spiderman has its fun moments....but its still another movie-liscenced game

User Rating: 7.5 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
Playing as Spider-man is fun at first, but the fighting sequences are missing something. Also, there's a major delima when swinging around the city, because Spidey's webs cling to the clouds. The graphics are alright, and frame rate is steady enough.

Punches and kicks arent as limited as the AI in the villains, so a fun array of different ways to take people out are available. The story seems just like a drawn out version of the movie, and there seems to be no real point for what you're doing (saving people and taking out villains), so why the levels are so linear I dont know.

Spider-Man was my first PS2, and sadly, the reason I got one (and then Halo 2 came out so I went the Xbox way). Rent it....actually dont...just rent Spider Man 2...its better.