Doing whatever the spider can looks promising and is very entertaining with this. This game rox!

User Rating: 9.2 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
The graphics on this game rule. Although they could be better (every game could be better), this game has done the best it could. THe game mechanics in the game play like almost any spiderman game, swinging and climbing like a spider is greatness. The game is great, although unrealistic to the spidey world, you cant swing to ground level when on roof tops and your webs cling on to nothing. you can be in the middle of the ocean and still websling. Its pretty uncool that way, but they try. The games fantastic game engine is fun and every level is completely diffrent. From stealth missions to catch the crook missions to boss battles. Nothing is exactly the same, this elminates boring montounusness. Spiderman the movie is a promising game and is very fun. I recomened it to all!