is this game as good as people say???

User Rating: 7.7 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
it is OK, not fantastic, the only let down that i would say it that it is too easy to complete, but it is fun doing lots of different things, saving lives of the kind people, and beating your worst rivals - maybe even making friends with some... it is a game packed with lots of parts to do, you get addicted to it easile because you don't get bored, you might compane that the sound is a bit boring, but still it is well worth the price, and it is cheaper because it is old. But don't let the word "old" put you off, this game is still worth getting, also when you have done different parts in the game you can get mini games which are great to play, you also can get better moves to make your enemies not have a clue whta you are doing, this makes it better for you... i would say to rent it first because you might not like it, but it is probably worth getting first time, have fun playing...