The first step into "Spider-man" Movie game(s)

User Rating: 7.1 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
Everyone likes spider-man, everyone liked the first 2 movies, and everyone liked the game. So whats so different about this one you ask? The graphics, the sounds. They are all so different from the next 2 games. First of all you don't here people talking to you while your swinging (like "hey look, its spider-man!" And the only time you'll here bosses talk is in cutscenes. Second is the graphics...very very different. We all played on the PS2 I would hope at least once. This PS2 game was a very very let down. It hardly had anything interesting to look at in the whole actual game (besides the buildings in the first level) and the characters faces....ew! All in all Spider-Man: The movie game is a Okay game...filled with a little bit of fun..a little bit of humor...and a whole lot of karma in a red and blue suit!