Beware of this game and its complex gameplay.

User Rating: 5 | Spider-Man 2: Enter the Sinister Six GBC
I actually have no idea where the hell I got this weird game from, but that day, I was bored, so I had no choice but to play it. At first, I wasn't impressed with the actual gameplay, but as I got through the game further and further, I was mildly excited what would happen next. This is one of the oldest games I've ever played in my life, so I might has well finish the game since I started already. I eventually reached the first boss and was able to beat it, but it seemed that the boss level was way more easier than the previous levels, so when I went in deeper into the game and it came to my senses that each boss level's difficulty was not advancing or have an significant increase in its difficulty what so ever. This isn't the greatest game ever, but its in danger of going into the "bad zone". So if your a classic, old-school, veteran player, I wouldn't entirely recommend this game to you.