To put it simply, given time this would crush pokemon. Just great all around,

User Rating: 9.8 | Spectrobes DS
Sure it needs a few modifications, but with more resources and a few System modifacations this Game would beat down anything in it's path. As for the pokemon thing think about it this is it's first try Play pokemon Red and compare the Style and creature Diversity. I mean sure pokemon had 150 creatures 151 if you count Mew, where as this game has only 27 and far outranks pokemon in original thought and processes. For those of you who think "Hey this games basically killed itself with a tight ending." I say to you that The Krawl hive was based around a queen (I'm assuming) Fungus. Fungus' are notorious for makeing more of themselves with spores. Being the krawl are extreme Evolvers they have done anything but closed the book. Seriously I literally just made that up in typing based on what information is given in the game. Another thing to look forward to is raising past evoled up to Geo. I know there going to do this cuz if you really look at the geo's they all resemble Evolution patterns of certain creatures Such as fire and Inka and Ice with Grilodon (I can't remember his evoled form.