The First Annouced South Park Game May Seem Like Its Bad From Quality And SoundTrack But Lets Dig Deeper and Push that.

User Rating: 10 | South Park N64
South Park The Game that was Annouced in 1998 was one of thoses Underated games that People Forshadow it for Being Quote on Quote Low Budgeted And Boring But on the Flipside i think its Not Half Bad despict the Cridits Opions on this Game,I Think that it had Nice Challedges putted into the Middle of the Game,Such as what look to Appear as Scottish Turkeys,Big Gay Oles Disfigured Clones and Even More,Including even Boss's Like The Blob And The Huge Turkey at the Beginning. I Do agree however that the Dialodge may have been Looped in order to not cause Akward slience in the game besides the Sound of Throwing stuff and Shooting stuff Like Nerf Machine Guns And Terrance and Philip Dolls. I Think the Plot was Unique And Somehow Driven for me to know alot more into detail into the Game, The Controls you just need to Adjust to because it Off compared to Other Games such as 007 And Perfect Dark,Multiplayer is Also fun when you have the Chance to Bring your Freinds on your Couch or Into your Room to Play some Old School N64 And just have a Old Fashion Blast when you Try to Beat each other up woth Cow Lauchers and Not To Mention Playing as your Most Lovable Characters Ranging to the 4 Main Boys Cartman Kyle Stan And Kenny Are Battling it Out or Lile Famous Side Characters Like Mr Hankey Or Mr Garrison,Or the One Shots Like Starving Marvin that Takes a Roll. Besides the Graphics (Which I dont know how you expect a Tv Show that was introduced as a Stop Motion Show into a Somewhat 3D Game) And the Voice Work (Which i just think its a Tad bit off not a Big Issue) I Think it was a Very Good Game and I Would recommend a South Park Lover and a N64 Fanatic Like Yourself Probolmly would Bypass its Visuals and Focused on its Fun.I Think its a Really Good Game And That It Would be A Fun Blast Bringing it to your Household.