Captures the show, that is all that is good about this game

User Rating: 5.4 | South Park: Chef's Luv Shack PC
I feel like revewing and old game so here I go. I am a south park fan and this was a good idea but of course they didn't do it right. They have fun mini games but Mario party is just a WAY better version of this and of course you would exspect a game on the PC game to look a little better than it's N64 counter-part. This game does look like the show and that is it. The question part of the game was just stupid. I mean I don't play a south park game to get questions about Nebraska or T.V dinners. Give me some trivia from the show. If you are looking for a fun exsperience this game isn't it but if you are looking for a game that captures the look of the show than I guess I can go out on a limb and reccomend it.