A ton of fun ruined by bad werehog controls and level design, and it's presentation.

User Rating: 6 | Sonic Unleashed PS2
I'll tell you right now that I've play both versions all the way through(though I only own this one since I do not own any current gen consoles), and to tell the truth, their both enjoyable but at the same time they both have MANY, MANY flaws.

Daytime Levels
Quite simple, you play as Sonic running crazy fast and drifting and quick stepping your way through different places.
The controls aren't that bad, despite the occasional unresponsive homing attack. Though I miss the platorming sections the PS3/Xbox360 version this versions day stages actually are less of a boost fest than the non-platforming sections of the PS3/Xbox360 versions. Which I do in fact prefer this versions day times stages, but still like the other ones.
Nighttime Levels
Oh dear, this is where it all falls down. Now my dislike for the levels isn't because I don't like platforming over crazy fast running, because I don't, and it because I don't like beat 'em ups(which I actually don't besides Battletoads) but it's because of the Level Design and Controls. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!
First off, to dash unlike using R2 I think it is(I forget I haven't played that version in a while) like the PS3 version, you have to "rapidly"(as chip says it) move the left analog thumb stick forward, which is insanely tedious and you very, and I mean VERY commonly find yourself dashing off of a ledge, while other times you have to press it over and over again to do it when you want to. Also the level design coupled with the controls is horrendous. Like, say there is a small ledge. You have to dash to get to the next part. The dash doesn't always trigger when you want it to, and sometimes it triggers to late, and you find yourself dashing off the edge. Also there are WAY to many clearings, which in my opinion is quite cheap.

Non action navigation

This didn't take quite as long as the hub maps of the PS3/Xbox360 version, but it was boring, you eventually find yourself just mashing buttons and "talking" to villagers just to proceed. I know many people dislike hub worlds, but as long as they aren't as bad as '06s I really like them. Though this was replaced with the Gaia gates in this version, I much prefer the hub worlds than the map.



Music, is there. Very much like Mega Man X4 in my opinion, though some tracks stand out, it really isn't all that great. The sound effects are alright but Sonic relentless talking gets very annoying.


It tried so hard to be funny and intriguing, but it just didn't make me laugh(besides a few bits of dialog weren't half bad) or really make me feel like it was really well thought out. Now what I really hate is the whole Dark Gaia thing. It(although having it's differences) is a basic copy of Chaos from Sonic Adventure. I wish they would have put more effort in the Story's originality.


Meh, all I can say is, meh. It was alright, but they could have done better. I thought the menus were pretty uninteresting, and the loading screens were just plain monotonous. THOUGH it isn't particularly bad, I just prefer the PS3/Xbox 360s.
Another thing is the saving is also really annoying.


Overall: 6/10

Though I can't say the PS3/Xbox360 version is perfect, I can't say so about this one either. I really prefer the PS3/Xbox 360 version as a whole. Though if you don't like hub-worlds, and don't agree with my dislike of this ones Were-hog levels, or like me just don't have a newer system, then rent it, and if you like it buy it(I actually got it for a measly 2 bucks[and 4 for shipping] on Amazon from some guy). Though i personally think SEGA/Dimps couldn't done much better.