Some awesome games on this.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sonic Mega Collection GC
This is not better then sonic gems collection but this is still a very awesome game.This has a lot of sonic classic games all in one.This game is a great gamecube game.This is a game that might get you going for a long time this is a game that brings games from the genesis on the gamecube.This has great sonic classic games.This game is one of the best gamecube games but not the best gamecube game.This is right for anyone.Sonic fans will like this game a lot.Also this game has great gameplay the sound:just right,the controls:really good,the graphics:just right.This game came out a long time ago and yet it is still very awesome.My real score is 9.4 out of 10.My favorite game on this is sont the hedgehog 2 but the others are still great.This has more then just games on it.Sega did a nice job at bringing back sonic in a must have sonic collection.