a great way to go back in time and relive some of Sonic's glory days on the genesis

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Mega Collection GC
In 1991 a company by the name of Sega was in the middle of a battle with Nintendo over who had the better console. Nintendo had a mascot by the name of Mario an italian plumber who helped revive video games in the 1980s following the videogame crash of 1983. Sega needed a mascot to compete with nintendo's Mario and thats when Sonic the Hedgehog was born and helped change the way side scrolling games were viewed. Sonic made his debut on the Sega Genesis with the smash hit based on the same name as the character. The game was a huge success and spawned many sequels and helped Sega in their battle with Nintendo. A decade later Sega released a compilation game called the Sonic Mega Collection which contains most of the blue hegdehog's games on the Sega Genesis for the nintendo gamecube, playstation 2 and xbox and yes the games are still as fun now as they were back in the 90s well most of them.

There are a total of 12 games for the gamecube version

The first is the one that started it all simply called Sonic the Hedgehog which is about Sonic trying to stop Dr. Robotnik from turning animals into robots and also from taking over south island. The gameplay is very simple just run to the right as fast as you can by pressing the A button you will be able to jump sonic kills enemies by rolling into them and jumping on them. In order to stay alive Sonic has to collect rings when holding atleast one ring sonic will take damage and stay alive but when attacked with no rings sonic will die and you will lose a life. At the end of each stage if you collect 50 rings you can enter a special stage to collect a chaos emerald collect all six and you get the good ending. All in all its a simple but really fun platformer. 8/10

Sonic the hedgehog 2 is the sequel and it introduces a new character by the name of Tails who is a two tailed fox who helps sonic. Once again robotnik has returned and its up to sonic and Tails to stop him. while the first game consisted of 6 stages with 3 acts this consists of about 10 with 2 acts. the gamplay is a bit faster and the stages are longer and you are introduced to the spindash where if you press down while standing and press A you can charge up a dash and launch yourself at enemies. The first game was good the sequel was better. 9/10

The third is Sonic the hedgehog 3 which is the first of two games that were originally meant to be one whole game. The graphics are improved and we are introduced to a new character named Knuckles the Echidna in this game he starts out as the antagonist who was tricked by Robotnik into thinking that Sonic and Tails are the enemies but in the end ( spoiler alert)
realizes that he had been tricked and that Robotnik is the bad guy. The second game is Sonic and Knuckles its basically the second half of Sonic 3 and you can play as Knuckles alos when it was on the sega genesis it had its own little slot where you could put sonic 3 in and get Sonic 3 and Knuckles which is the two games together and is also in the collection. The two great games combined together make what is considered the best sonic game on the Sega Genesis 9.5/10
You could also place Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Sonic and Knuckles and you will be able to play all of sonic 2 as Knuckles. 8/10 The next two games werent exactly Sonic's best. the first is sonic spinball which is basically pinball except its sonic not much to say on that one. 5.5/10 The other game was Sonic 3D Blast which is a fetch em quest where you collect these birds called flickys to move on. Good graphics bad controls 4/10
next up is blue sphere which is a mini game that was introduced in Sonic 3 where you have to collect all the blue spheres and avoid the red spheres in a 3D like setting pretty simple 6/10
The final 3 games dont have much to do with Sonic but 2 of them are enjoyable. The first is doctor Robotniks Mean Bean Machine its basically a puzzle game like Kirby's Avalanche and Puyo Puyo its simple but addicting 7.5/10 The second game is called Flicky where you play as a bird called Flicky from Sonic 3D blast its basically a 2D fetchem quest not much to say 3.5/10
The last game has nothing to do with sonic but its one of the best in the collection its called Ristar in this game you play as a star who is trying to save the galaxy from an evil guy named Greedy he has taken control of the planets leaders and has captured Ristar's dad and its up to Ristar to stop him. what makes this game unique is that Ristar has arms that can stretch to help him get to place and defeat enemies. There are seven world which consist of 3 act like Sonic 1 and while Sonic has the same backgrounds for each act Ristar has different backgrounds which make it pretty cool. To make it short its a really good and underappreciated game. 9/10 Thats pretty much it aside from a few games and the fact that Sonic CD was not included in the collection theres not much to complain about its a great collection of games for Sonic fans old and new. If your new to Sonic and want to see what Sonic was like back in the day definitely check it out.

Good: most games are great and enjoyable. Ristar and mean bean machine are good additions. good amount of unlockables such as art work

Bad: Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Spinball and Flicky arent very good and Sonic CD was not included in the collection.

Final Score: 8.25/10