An underrated end to the sonic line

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Heroes GC
It is no secret. The legend of Sonic the Hedgehog has gone to pot. When he first made his debut in 3D, he speed up into Mario 64 territory in the long list of great 2D-3D jumps with Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure 2 continued the tradition. Sonic lingered for a few years and hid back into 2D territory with a great string of Sonic Advance titles. Then, Sonic Heroes came out. Many people consider Sonic Heroes to be the place where Sonic tripped and fell flat on his face, only to slide down a slope filled with barbed wire and salt as he continued to fall down this painful slope, however, I feel that Sonic Heroes is under appreciated and that the unnecessary and much hated 360 reboot was where Sonic slipped up.

Sonic Heroes is a fast, fun, and engaging 3D paltformer, and while not up to par with his first two forays into 3D, it was great fun. That isn't to say it wasn't without its problems, which I will address first. First of all, the voice cast... just UGH. Though this isn't exactly new news. Secondly, the camera, while not as legendarily horrid as Shadow or Sonic 360 is slipper and sometimes can get you lost, though thankfully it doesn't lead to those insanely annoying moments where you fall off the ledge like in the newer games. The controls are awkwards sometimes, switching between team members is annoying and the controls do slip occasionally, but once again they aren't as horrid as other games. Speaking of teams, I can also give the knock that only two teams are actually fun: Team Sonic and Team Dark. Team Rose is pretty much a tutorial with no challenge, and Team Chaotix you have to slow down the gameplay to do stupid stuff like picking up hermit crabs which isn't much fun. Team Dark is essentially a harder version of Team Sonic and is recommended for most people who're good at these kinds of games.

Onto the good, well, I can really sum it up, as it has all the marks of a good sonic game:

Speed (Check)
Good music (Check)
Fun level design (Check)
Decent (Though not perfect) Controls (Check)

Those are really the only things you need to make a good sonic game! If its fast yet fun and its at least playable, its worth your while! Sonic Heroes isn't nearly as bad as most people blame it to be. I had fun! No reason you can't!