It' definitely not the best game ever but I'm still just about enjoying this 'collection' of 'mini-games'

User Rating: 7.5 | Sonic and the Secret Rings WII
The good:
Sometimes delivers a feel of super-fast-speeding, keeps a relatively high frame rate all along.

The Bad:
It's movies look cheep, Feels like a collection of mini-games

The Ugly:
The controls neither feel intuitive nor are easy to use resulting in many frustrating bits simply because of bad controls

The first thing you'll notice when playing is that the controls just don't feel right, don't get me wrong, it's not that they're not particularly responsive, it's just they're not quite write. You'll go forwards by holding the wii remote level with you're right hand at the 1, 2 side and you're left at the direction pad. To go backwards you just tilt the wii remote back, but you have to use the 1 button to break. Unfortunately there's no particular cut off between forward and backward, so tilt the wii remote at the wrong angle and you have a sonic that has an epileptic fit in choosing whether to go forwards or backwards.

The graphics look really good for a wii game, an the frame rate's good so when you find a good bit in the game it'll look pretty flawless. It's cartoon-y, as sonic should be (in my opinion), so you'll get a good 'sonic feeling.'

The way the 'levels' are structured makes the game feel more like a collection of mini-games, You get 'maps' and then different challenges in the map, the first is always get to the goal, then you'll have one's like get to the goal without killing enemies or get to the goal without picking up coins or collect a certain amount of coins, now this is all fair enough but you might complete a level on one map, and then have to go back to a previous map that you'd already got board of to play a different challenge, this makes the game feel disjointed.

The movies you get are according to the devs meant to make the game feel like it's in a book, which (slight SPOILER) it is. They look cheep and they probably didn't take long to animate either. This really brings down the feeling of the game.

The multiplayer has a good selection of mini-games but it will only keep you interested for an half-hour if you're above the age of nine.

Despite some of these drawbacks there are bits in the game where you really feel like you're racing through a jungle, its just a shame its hampered down by all these minor (and some more major) defects. I'm still managing to enjoy it though.

Definitely worth a look at if you're a sonic fan and if you're nine or under it'll keep you amused for a while. Probably worth renting by most wii owners if you're into that sort of thing.

I hope that this has been helpful, informative and vaguely interesting.