Anyone looking to reminisce in the days of the old NeoGeo Pocket greatness, don't look here.

User Rating: 3.5 | SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS DS
This game has singlehandedly destroy my great memories of this series. The NeoGeo Pocket Color SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters game was GREAT, I loved that game more than a lot of my Gameboy games. The battle system was simple and easy plus there were tons of familiar faces in the game. SNK vs Capcom CFDS is just... terrible. It took every good thing about the past game and screwed it up

The battle system is now a mess where you can put as many cards as you want on the field aside from the standard 3 card max in the old one, but this time you have to pay to play your cards, and I still can't figure out for the life of me how to actually do that. You always end up with an abundance in one type of force or whatever the hell its called, and are always in need of crap you don't have. So the easy and lovable battle system, GONE. SIX FEET UNDER!

Other gripes with this game:

terrible translation: this game knows no bounds in crappy translations. I'll let some games like Harvest Moon for instance slide, but finding a complete grammatically correct sentence in this game is like going straight to the last page in where's Waldo and trying to find Waldo. BROKEN: the game is literally broken, you can't get past a certain pint with out an action replay thing. How the hell can they ship a game with this kind of game ending glitch.

in the end, I've just grown to hate SNK Playmore after suffering through a minute of this game.