Sneak King takes one and only one Gameplay mechanic and spreads it over 80 ungodly repetitive missions.

User Rating: 3.8 | Sneak King XBOX
The Good: Its funny, the first time. Its worth what you paid for it. The King stays true to his comic style. This game fits the Burger King world very well, and every time I play it I want a Whopper and fries (so I guess it's done its job.)

The Bad: Everything else. It's ugly, sounds bad, and plays like a broken record. I don't know how many ways there are to sneak up behind some one, but Sneak King trys to find out. The animations will get old really quickly and the inability to skip them adds to their annoyance. Overall Sneak King is just good enough for a once in a while "hey dude, check out this Burger King game," game.