Small Arms: A Great Arcade Game

User Rating: 8.1 | Small Arms X360
Small Arms is a very fun game, depending if you know how to play it. If you know how to play it, it can be very fun. If you don't know i suggest you keep playing it until you get good cause like I said, this game can get very fun. Small Arms is like Super Smash Bros. In Small Arms you can play online also, and man, this game gets alot funner online. Also you can have you and a friend play online.Small Arms have a wide selection of characters. Each character has it's own selection of weapon. The weapon the characters have a primary fire and a secondary fire. (acept the character with the sword). Anyways, the secondary fire take away more ammo than the primary but its stronger. Overall Small Arms is a very fun game to play either by youself, online, or on your couch with friends. So all I'm tryna say is people, try Small Arms at least once.