Same old game, few new tricks....worse frame rate.

User Rating: 8 | Skate 3 X360
Skate 3 plays in the same light as its predecessors with a few exceptions. They have added a few new tricks, namely being darkslides (which are extremely fun) and the ability to drop objects wherever you are currently in the map.

Good News:

New World, Moves, Challenges and Options.

Bad News:

EA Community - I cannot believe how awful the connectivity is for the EA Community. Going between users shared parks, videos and photos is inaccessible often and when I can connect it is rather slow.

Frame Rate - the frame rate noticeably drops in mid-trick more frequently then one would desire (and more often than in the past games), most of the time when you are attempting to hit a rail which can really effect your line and for those who like the create videos can cause you to have redo your previous efforts.

Session Markers - Similar to the previous version of skate the distance in which you can travel from your Session Marker is to limited. You will be at the Loading screen more than desired when attempting to complete a long line.

Object Dropper - the distance in which you can drop and edit objects from your skater is rather limited. You will be going in and out of the Object Dropper fairly frequently in order to get the desired objects setup.

Bottom Line:

If you love skating games there are no other games like the skate series, and if you either don't have either skate or skate 2...or just want new challenges or new areas to skate then skate 3 is worth the money if you can live with the frustrations that come with the game.