why scriptwriters? it make me remember of river raid nice no history and impossible to finish

User Rating: 6 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
I listed the problems on this game
1- No history mode on single player campaign
(I believe that they decide do not hire any scriptwriters for this game it make me remember of river raid, excellent game, but it is past, this is the first big… I mean huge problem in this game)
2- Too hard to play the single player campaign ( Almost impossible even into the easiest mode)
3- Too little research tree (we are talking about a space flight game, it should have a huge tree of research, but just an poor tree, it will became a bothering game very fast – have u heard of a game named settlers, take a look to its research and production system, it is amazing and still too real for just a game)

But have good points too
1- It is a Space game (I love futurist games – it is my opinion, but is the first point)
2- The graphics system (is nice but I miss something like atmosphere on planets u notice that they do not have any clouds, all planets look like moons, but only that for the graphics the rest is really nice)
3- Combat is nice (but definitively it is not innovation, worst than HomeWorld and EVE the spaceships stop and start to fire, "Why move if we are a easier target stopped like a rock?")

It is a nice game, but not a game to be into the 10+