This was not a sing star game to look forward to. It might be a long lasting game but not one I personally would enjoy.

User Rating: 5.5 | SingStar Vol. 2 PS3
I don't find this was a game to get all hyped up about. Especially the songs really we're not cool at all. I don't get why you would make a big fuss about this sing star in particular. I was never really a fan of any of the sing star's except one, which would be the one featured on the play station 2. Yes I do find sing star is a playable game for hours, I would recommend it for someone who likes to sing and have lots of people at their houses. This game is probably more for girls like my sister losers.Like today is her birthday and i'm sure they would be taking turns playing it...............................................................................................This game was ok that's why I rated it with a 5.5, I'm more a fan of Rock Band because their's much more than just your mics .