Easy to Play, Fun and Addicting, Amazing graphics, good controls, easy to play with others.

User Rating: 8 | SimCity PC
This game is amazing. If you can get on a server that isn't full it is a blast. I can't believe how much fun it is to create a city and watch it grow and expand. Even playing with others is easy and had to beat. The issue with the servers has been fixed for the most part but at high traffic times is still an issue. They have fixed a lot of issues with the game such as: if you start a new city on a different server you don't have to play the tutorial over again and now you can send invites to friends. I gave it an 8 because this game should not have been online only but EA doesn't look like they will fix that issue any time soon. Now that the servers can handle most of the load it's become a great game that sucks you in for hours. If you liked the old SimCity games you should get this one too. Plus the free game for people that buy it before March 25th is a great deal too.