Video games just evolved

User Rating: 9.5 | SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition PC
I've always loved Simcity, and this is the best one yet. While a bit challenging to understand at first( i did the unthinkable, and actually looked at the tutorials) this game will quickly grow on you. The majority of gameplay is perfect, with balanced needs (police, schools, etc.) and fun extras( airports, seaports, landmarks). The only problem, again, is the difficulty. Also, if you have an EA account, you can download new buildings and cities. While I personally disapprove, since people just put out cheat buildings that take away the challenge, if it suits your taste, then there's no reason not to. In fact, the only things keeping this game from a 10 are difficulty, and how when your cities start to grow, there are slowdowns, especially in free drive. This game has managed to do something never done in a video game before, and that is combine fun and learning; and this game deserves major props for that.