Silent Hill is a great game with some flaws

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill PS
I've been playing Silent Hill games for many years now, but I've never gotten the opportunity to play the original game. A week ago I ordered it off of Amazon, it arrived yesterday, and I beat it today.

I had a lot of fun exploring Silent Hill and listening to all the things each character has to say, but I still felt that some of the characters didn't get fleshed out enough. When Cybil was killed I said, "Who cares." The atmosphere of the game was chilling thanks to great sound effects. There were times when I felt really uncomfortable, like the first time I saw Pyramid Head in the apartment complex in SH2.

The plot was really simple, in fact too simple. The GS reviewer said it perfectly when he said that there was no climax, the game just ended. However, I did enjoy the plot that was given.

The combat was tedious. I some times found myself firing at or hacking at an enemy, but hitting nothing. The enemies were really frightening and had their own ways to kill me.

Finally, the major puzzle clues were really vague. I just could not figure a lot of them out for the life of me. I asked my brother for help and he didn't know, so I had to use the internet.

To conclude I would just like to say that this is my third favorite Silent Hill game. My order is SH 3, 2, 1, Shattered Memories, Ø, 4, 5. This is a great start to a series that had four really great titles, two decent titles, and one awful title.
