A game which proudly bears the name "Silent Hill"...

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill: Origins PSP
Well , first and foremost i wholeheartedly believe that Gamespot should not give Silent Hill Origins a 6.5.Maybe it is not the best game of the series but is a great game. Anyway , let's start.
I think that you know the plot so i begin with the positive aspects of the game. Despite the small screen of the handheld the SHO has the ability to scare you not only with the impressive graphics but also with its music. Akira Yamaoka has made a great job. The sound and some flashbacks will tempt you switch the system off. The graphics are impressive for a psp game and ,consequently, the monsters are horrifying.Gameplay wise , the biggest change is the use of mirrors to travel between Real world and Otherworld.I think it's a nice change as it adds a sense of strategy.In the rest SH games , you though "The game put me in the Real World , so i have to find something here".Now you have to think what you really need and where you should go...Other than this , the game is similar to the first two game , returning to the "roaming in town" style, trying to gather ampoules, bullets etc which are vital if you want to succeed - unlike SH3 which promoted the game mainly in buildings.And the streets of the town , still remain interesting...and spooky as hell...If you are sceptical about the riddles , think no more.Origins excels in this field.They are as clever and ,most importantly,as weird as the ones in the previous games, It is said that the game is too short - it can be finished in 5 hours. Personally i finished the game in about 7 hours as i took my time and explored the streets of the town.Without question , most of you will play it for a second time and harcore fans even for a third (i have , 5 times). That is because there are accolades ,special weapons and items, and multiples endings,of course,to unlock.For you, who find the plot of each Silent Hill intriguing , well this is your game.The story is everything a fan should be asking for, (with many characters from SH1 coming back) .I think this was what made me love the game at first...And yeah , the protagonist has a dark , tormented past....
On the other hand, the combat is awkward and the camera does not help. There are many times where you will know ,from the radio, that a monster is close but you wont be able to see where it is exactly.And than comes the worst one : Breakable weapons.The curse of every SH fan...Even though using TVs,lamps etc as weapons is realistic and adds a sense of desperation , it deprives the game of the bond between the player and his favorite weapon...After all, it is ridiculous , seeing a Katana breaking after killing a couple nourses...But the worst is that makes the game easier than it should...Having 5 hammers and 3 Katanas and a million razors or screwdivers in your pockets , not only makes the game unrealistic but also it prompts you to attack on every monster you encounter...
All in all , don't make these problems repel you from playing the game , because it is just great...The replayability , the riddles and the plot , will erase every flaw...It hasn't brought any innovations to the franchise and it is heavily critisised for this...But seeing how innovative SH games-Homecoming- ended up , isn't it better ? If you liked the first games , then try this one...It's "superb"...