Silent Hill Homecoming does well with the series and has me stressed and scared all over again

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill: Homecoming X360
Starting this game I wondered if Homecoming could do what I enjoyed from the Silent Hill 1 and 2 did for me so long ago. At the time of this review for nostalgia purposes I started playing Silent Hill 1 again. With the origin of the genre still fresh in my mind with the mix of Homecoming I wrote this review.

Good: The environments are solid with uneasy images combined with excellent ambiance and music. Combat has received an upgrade and it makes it worth while to stop and fight back. The Silent Hill vibe is all here so what more can you ask for?

Bad: the story is a bit lagging I felt like I was getting teased with what's going throughout most of the game.The back-tracking was somewhat annoying but I guess you have to do it.

If you played Silent Hill and enjoy the series then try it out. At least play it especially in the dark. Regardless of what some of the reviews say I think what makes for some great Silent Hill gaming, you will find in this new installment