I love every aspect of this game! If you don't like it, you just fail in life :0

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill 3 PS2
Well, what can I say that it hasn't beend said before?
It's a great game... Very nice graphics, hmmm you play as a girl and that's fantastic for us ! Yay Victory!

You count with a looooooooooooooooot of weapons :D and many of them hidden, like eye's bean !! lol I'm not kidding!

The control it's very confortable, very natural... The atmosphere really scare you! but this Silent hill just push you to keep and keep playing!

One of my favorite games... Just, Awesome! but let's be more specific coz this deserve to be pointed, THE MUSIC! Geez I love the OST, it put you so deeply inside the game that you can almost feel when she gets hurt (Maybe I am exxagerating?).

And for the Contras ( Really hard to tell) ... Maybe the duration? Well I love this game so if longs less than 1 year to finish it, it may seem that it was short lol.

Well yeah there must be something... Hmmm.. Wait just let me think... :0
Perhaps to shot? It needs a shooting system like R4.
I can't think of anything else, just enjoy this game. I love it, so love it too you will not regret it.

P.S: I didn't finish it! Good things shall last forever, so I don't want to see the end xD.