Get ready to keep the lights on while playing Silent Hill 3.

User Rating: 8.9 | Silent Hill 3 PS2
I've beaten the game multiple times and I don't know why-- the sound engineering, graphics, atmosphere and overall gameplay and story-line surrounding Silent Hill 3 makes it a stand-out amongst the survival horror games out there. Regardless of it's impressive markings, it WILL scare the living crap out of you. My only issue is that I wish you could turn around faster to face your enemies that creep up behind you in those dark corridors and hallways. Your world will change from bad to extremely grotesque and you'll find yourself questioning whether or not to venture around that corner. Great weapon selection, health system works fine (more challenging on higher difficulties), puzzle system is a headache as you go along, but satisfying once you've figured out the answer. Don't be afraid to grab a strategy guide either, it's a great game. But...don't play it often.