An intriguing mystery surrounded by lovable, realistic characters.

User Rating: 9.5 | Persona 4 PS2
Short Review!

High points: Great Soundtrack; Stylish presentation; A gripping, intriguing and immersive story; A lot of improvements to the Persona gameplay formula, specifically the improvements made to the social links and their affect on the battles; Has a lot of clever and just generally funny moments.

Nitpicks: The game can be brutal if you don't keep up; Forgetting to save can create intense frustatration if you die; Gonna suck you away from everything else for a while.

Without a doubt, this game something any RPG fan worth their salt should play. An interesting battle system set in a series of small, managable dungeons, centered around a tale of mystery and murder combined with deep, interesting and realistic characters. Definitely something that other RPGs should take some cues from.

VERDICT: -Buy it-

2010 report!

Persona 4: Still awesome!