This JRPG is hard. Those that say you just need to be prepared apparently have played 77,777 harder JRPGs...Impossible.

User Rating: 9 | Persona 3: Fes PS2
Persona 3 was my first Persona game and I admit that the concept of shooting yourself in the head was enough to make me try it out. That and the (strong) recommendation from Gamespot member Misfit. Basics of the story consists of gaining your powers and then fighting your way up a huge tower of over 200 floors before a year's end. There are also "Full Moon" missions that test your party's levels and move the storyline along. Though they are pretty easy. There are various things to get used to and just flat out dislike about Persona 3, so fangirls skip this part!

~No saving points during Full Moon missions. So if you die, you have to go through the entire day and all.

~It takes a while to get used to the pictures talking rather than having the actual in-game graphics doing the animations/talking, but at least the voice actors are amazing for the most part.

~You will come unprepared during boss fights. You will be one-shotted at least three times during your 70 hour quest.s

~Your training you've been doing for 70 hours will basically be laughed at the end of the game.

~The first six to nine months will mean little to you and the overall plot. It just adds a little here and there...and every so often, a plot twist. This is due to major events happening during Full Moons.

With all these complaints, there is a reason I gave this game a 9/10.

~Shoot yourself in the head and look cool doing it.

~Original ideas and concepts.

~Music is wonderful. If you hate it, go back to your usual music and let true music fanboys enjoy the sound of innovative music.

~The story does pick up towards the end of the game and fusing personas are addicting as they come.

~You'll be figuring out some of the "WTFs" at the beginning of the game after you play through it the first time...and it feels great knowing what's going on.

~The Final Boss remains to be the most challenging final boss I've faced and symbolizes the very trials you and the characters have faced and have come to endure.

With that said, hit up Misfit's glowing review on the game to see a more detailed review. Persona 3 should be on every hardcore JRPG fan's "must play" list.