A game full of jokes, gratifying combat, and puzzles to make your head spin

User Rating: 10 | Shadows of the Damned X360
Shadows of the Damned is a surprise. This game was thought to be terrible and was judged by players and critics before the release......They were ALL wrong, this game tosses an old Resident Evil 4 mechanic, with new ideas and gameplay to make something unique.

STORY: Garcia Hotspur is a hunter of demons, and when he upsets the wrong one, the Dark Lord Flemming (Ruler of Underworld) takes your girlfriend as a punishment. You take a trip through hell to get her. The story is very very interesting and holds your attention with the humor and nonsense it produces

GAMEPLAY: A third person shooter with upgrades for weapons, garcia, etc. Plays similarly to Resident Evil 4 mixed with a little Dead Space. The gameplay is satisfying and keeps your mind, and trigger finger busy

PRESENTATION: Won't win any awards but what is here is solid. Expecially the soundtrack. Music changes to fit the situation and and weirdness is translated through every aspect of the presentation

This game is a total surprise, I even thought it would suck, and then after playing it i realised that in my book its the best game to come out so far this year