Really Addicting

User Rating: 8 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun was Not Exactly Liked by the Critics But do not Belive them . It is a very Good looking,Addicting,Muliplayer-only Shooter. There is a small story line here, Something about A big corporation named RNA Global and Rebels named the Lineage fighting over Aritifacts in Brazil But you Quickly forget that and Get into the Action.There are many Races to PLay as such as Elves, Dwarfes, Humans, and Trools. The toughest are trools, and Elves are Fast and Humans are even with speed and Toughness. This Game may seem like a very Generic shooter but it is not. There is Magic in this game the Power to teleport, Cast Healing trees, Reserect dead Allies,or summon minions to kill Foes and Many other Powers, there are 9 maps and 3 smaller versions of these maps to satisfie you. But there is only 3 modes to it Capture the Flag, Defend or take the Flag, Or a regular Team deathmatch. This makes the Game Really stale after awhile. Also there will be no DLC either. But still Shadowrun is a good game and I reccemend this game to anyone who the Team online shooters.