I think I died a little during the 2 hours I played the game... A tear for the part of my soul that I lost.

User Rating: 1 | Shadowrun X360
Okay, where to start? Now, I played Shadowrun for the sNes, and that was a great game, I played it for hours and had a whole lot of fun with it... Then I heard they were coming out with Shadowrun for the 360, and I said, "Wow! Great, that could really be a great game."
I bought the game first chance I had and I walked home reading the book inside, thinking, "Okay, I need that ability, and that, these are some great combos, I really can't wait to get home and play this."

Well, I got home and with shaking hands put it into my 360 disk drive... I started the training, and I'm thinking, "This is a little strange, oh well, I'm sure the game will get better after the training part is over... Little did I know, that the training was basically the entire game.

After about 2 hours painfully boring training, I finally get to the "real game" and I played that for about 5 minutes, stood up, took the CD out of the disk drive, put it back in its case... Then cursed the souls of those that made this awful game into the deepest darkest bowels of Hell for unleashing this terrible blight upon the face of our planet.

Now, There are two ways I can describe this game for you, like Unreal Tournament, only sucks. *Think about that one a bit*

Or this... Think with me if you will. Have you ever seen one of those shows or movies where the man's wife, or child's mother dies, so they then devote their lives to finding some way to bring them back to life, but after conventional means fail they turn to witchcraft and demon worship and sell their souls to Satan who then revives their loved one but their loved one turns into a horrible demon that goes on a kill rampage and the whole time that son or husband is saying, "This isn't what I wanted, what have I done."........... Yeah, that's kinda what this game is like.

I'm not sure how to describe it, I could say;

Check your bargain bins
Rent it first
Rip off
Total let down
Waste of time

But I think I shall go with, Hard to Describe.

Yeah, to sum it all up, if you are curious, rent it, but for the love of all that is good in this world, don't buy it.

Thanks for reading,
Da Marque