Shadow runs and trips on a rock.

User Rating: 4.8 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
I had very high hopes for this game, and I was hopping it would become one of the greats in sonic games. Though after playing it, my dreams were shattered and made me really wish I hadn't spent my money on this. Lets go at this one step at a time.

Graphics: the graphics are great! no doubt about that. Its your above average sonic graphics, and its really good for this style of gaming. The graphics were easily the best part of this game.

Sound: the sound is also great. The audio is good, and so is the voice acting. The sound track got a little annoying to me sometimes but it was still pretty good in my opinion.

Game play: now this is where it ALL goes down hill. The running, which of course is in EVERY sonic game, was great as usual. But beyond that, it sucked. The missions weren't really hard or anything, but considering the fact that the controls sucked made everything much harder. They powered down the homing jump so you'd use the weapons more, but even the weapons weren't really worth it since you'd run out of ammo before you even got anywhere good with it. Then if you did try the homing jump, you better not be doing it on a narrow area because you're going to fire off the edge almost every time. The controls really needed to be refined and tuned a bit, as well as the mechanics for the homing jump which were just hay-wire.

All and all this game would of been great, if it hadn't been for the really bad controls. I'm a sonic fan, which is why I bought this game and had such high hopes. but even as a sonic fan, I can't give this a good review, because I just can't stand not being able to control my character. If your'e a sonic fan, I suggest renting it first and then seeing if you like it. If you're not, I suggest avoiding it at ALL COSTS.

Sonic fans: 4.7
Everyone else: 1.3