What a waste of time. Serious Sam 1 with a different layout.

User Rating: 3.1 | Serious Sam II PC
I'll keep it brief.

At first I was thinking this'll be good fun just running and gunning. But then, as you keep hitting invisible walls, see yourself getting railroaded for the hundredth time into a ravine with monsters spawning left and right, get constantly bombarded with the same monsters from the last game, you start to just get bored. I was finding myself falling asleep in places because all you end up doing is just holding down the fire button and run around.

Don't get me wrong. I've played the previous games. But after a while, you're just asking yourself how much more of this crap is coming? The problem here is that this is way too much "been there, done that" all over again. The only real difference is that you have some different environments. Ultimately, you just start thinking about just giving up since the level you're on is pretty much the same as the previous one...

It's about time to move on...Croteam's time has come and gone. Unless they plan on finding something else to do, they might as well stop developing and playing Crysis when it comes out.