Psychic killing and stealth the perfect combo

User Rating: 9.1 | Second Sight PS2
Second sight is the only game to date that sucessfully pulls of the difficult blend of telekinesis and stealth. With a mixture of clever routes for you to take through levels to full on terrorist killing in the military flashbacks this game accomodates for all. The plot is complicated but gets clearer and clearer as you play through the flash backs.
You wake up in a cell as a mental patient with a clear case of amnesia but can speak. You soon relearn the power of telekinesis which helps you to escape your cell. As you play through the various levels you learn more more and more telikenetic powers like psi attack and charm (invisibility). Although when you then play through the flash backs you do miss your powers until you gain them. You eventually escape the asylum and go to find a past psychic that you worked with in the field during the past.
Basically the game is a lot of fun and choosing your level tactics is very similar to splinter cell, exept you can kill people with your mind OR with your gun. Time goes very quickly when you play the game and the inability to save at the checkpoints is annoying when the levels are as long as they are.
I would recommend this game to lovers of games like hitman and splinter cell. But not for impationt people because the levels require you to use stealth and suss out an enimies movements before you try and pass them or they'll sound the alarm