You wouldn't buy this game, but Second Sight has enough feautures to be checked out.

User Rating: 7.5 | Second Sight PS2
Second Sight. The first time I heard this title, I was a little confused. When you start to play the game, you'll find out why it's called Second Sight. Anyway, first of all I wanna tell you this isn't brilliant or stunning or anything like that, but it's simply good. Did you expect more?

Well, the main feature of tbis game is the storyline. This games storyline is good, as goos as Killer7's storyline. THAT'S how good it is. Man, it's interesting. Mainly, a man wakes up in a hospital, not knowing why he's there or what's happened to his face. He figures he's got special powers!!
It's a bit like that film Momento, except he can remember day after day and he doesn't have on of 'em old fashioned cameras.

Wow...I wrote a lot on the storyline. Anyway, what makes this game a bit dodgy and...dodgy is that there is very few combat, most of the game you'll spend getting frustrated. The special powers are a good add-on but some can be frustrating to use.

The graphics are one of Second Sight's weak points. There god enough to last a few levels, but soon enough you'll realise that it's annoying and extremly distracting.

Well, that about wraps around this game. Action fans should consider this a rental...I'm not saying it's bad...It's good,'s just not worth a purchase. There! I said it! *Sniff*. Good game.