An Intreguing Story With Niffty Psi Powers To Match....

User Rating: 8.6 | Second Sight PS2
Second Sight Offers up an alternative to those gamers that liked the "psi" capabilities of PsiOps.

You play the role of John Vaddict, A Doctor that wakes up with barely any memory. As you wander around you begin to discover that you have Psi-Powers. From Here You begin to dig deeper into the mystery surround your powers and also relive what happened before you woke up.

The gameplay is fantastic with a very nice take on the "PSI" thing. You are not just some monster that has limitless Psi-energy and powers.... You slowly begin to discover them. The discovery is very much like the story. It truely is an intreguing story that will have you playing on to find out more.

Given 7 or so Psi-Powers you think the game would be kinda bland but it is not... Many of those powers can be used in many ways... Turning on objects with teleconiesis.... Healing others rather than yourself... The controling of your Psi-Powers is also nice, working much like a gun in may other games... Aim and Use.O and the whole self healing thing is not really a bad thing in this game. I also like the way Free Radicals incorperated computers into the gameplay. That fact that you must use computers to open doors, or find passwords for computers is awsome. The AI and Damage they do will counter your self-healing ability rather well. The AI steadily get harder as you progress which leaves it up to you the gamer to really fully explore the potential of the Psi-Powers you have.

The Graphics are smooth with equally as smooth cut-scenes. You the player can decide between a stationary wall camera (like in the resident eveil series) or a third person camera. The only drawback is that the third person camera is not active so you will have to turn it. I was also impressed by the character animation in the cut-scene... very well done. On the other hand the characters during the game (Mostly just John) walk and run and just plain move oddly. Your standard blood and enviroment distruction all fall into place nicely as well.

The voice acting is good but I somtimes wonder about the script... John says a lot of "Did I Do That" "Whoa How The...." "What Is Going On With Me"'s. The sound effects are good as well with the Psi Powers and all.

This is truely an overlooked game. I didn't even know it existed until I picked it up one day on the clearence rack at a clothing store. Over all a very well done to the "Psi" Approach resulting In a game that felt more like a suspence movie......