Not to be overlooked!

User Rating: 7 | Samba de Amigo WII
so when this games sequel came out on the dreamcast some years ago, I have to admit it was really a weird game. you looked very stupid playing it. but zoom to 2008, we have so many music/rythm games now and most turned out very well! well why not this game? its in the right spot to be presented now, with music games all the rage. not to mention it being on the wii. it wouldnt be better on any other console. and no you dont look stupid anymore playing it because you have an excuse-its on the wii! dont over look this game just because of its stupid controls. its the fact of bringing this game back with a sequel and making a pose once in a while. back then the prequel had much crtitism for it. just give this game another try please. apply what i said and see if theres any difference!!!!!!!!!!