Despite slip-ups in terms of programming, Samba de Amigo: Wii Edition still delivers addictive musical gameplay.

User Rating: 8 | Samba de Amigo WII
9 years ago, Samba de Amigo was originally a music game developed by Sega and Sonic Team for the Dreamcast. The game required players to shake their "maracas" in the right positions along the music and occassionaly strike poses.

Ever since then, fans have been begging Sega to make a remake, and finally their wish has come true.

Samba de Amigo returns with original gameplay elements from both the original and Ver. 2000 versions for the Dreamcast such as Hustle Mode, Love Love Mode, Battle Mode and several minigames. Soundtrack includes most of the songs from the Dreamcast versions as well as some Wii-exclusive tunes such as Mambo No.5, Cha Cha, Do It Well, Oye Como Va, Un Aguardiente and many more.

Despite occassional control problems that mainly occur during "Fast Moves," "Lower Crossovers" and "Lower Wide Selection," Samba de Amigo: Wii Edition still delivers traditional musical gameplay and is recommended for those who have missed out on the original Dreamcast version.