bad contorls, gets old fast, and overall boring

User Rating: 5.5 | Samba de Amigo WII
So Samba De Amigo on the wii is like any other third-party game for the wii; Boring, repetetive and bad use of the wii remote and nunchuck. So why does this game sucks...well it doesnt SUCK but its not GOOD either because when you start playing this game you will get bored of it in at least half hour. It's got a good collection of songs, but THE CONTROLS f***** this game i mean when i played you have to be accurate as hell if you want the controls to respond to your move my arms got tired aftwe 10 minutes after playing this and thats all the time i spend playing this game i mean i loved this game on The PS2 EyeToy, never played the DC version but all i can say that this game is just mediocre/fair. So if you love rhytm games and waweing your arms like an idiot and getting them tired after 10 minutes of playing this game buy this game. Ask me im can sell it to you for 5 bucks.