Good, but unforgivably short.

User Rating: 7.2 | Argus no Senshi PS2
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure was the first game in a recent trend of remaking classic 8 bit games that hadn't been seen sequels in over a decade and bringing them to the current generation of PS2, X-box, and Gamecube. Unfortunately while it had a great deal of promise, it didn't quite live up to the glory of the original.

Let's get one thing out of the way immediately. This game is incredibly short. An experienced action gamer will finish this in around 6 hours or less. It's very unlikely it would take anyone more than 8 or 9 hours. If you buy this for more than 10 dollars you will probably walk away feeling cheated by the lack of game here. So renting it is probably the best decision.

That being said the game is beautiful. The soundtrack is an amazing piece of work and the graphics are at times a true sight to behold. The combat is fun too. The discarmor that is used as your weapon is easy to use, but there's a lot of technique to learn for advanced players.

As far as other problems go, the camera does get to be a problem at times, and sometimes you're required to go into situations where you are literally leaping in blindly. Also the story is fairly weak, but since the game is so short you don't have to deal with it too much.

Again, this game is good, but it is at best a rental. It's an absolute crime that Tecmo created such a beautiful game, and made it end so quickly.